Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chakra Healing For Diabetes - Steps

Chakra healing has helped numerous people around the world cope with a variety of medical conditions, including diabetes. If you are suffering from diabetes, give chakra healing a try. This ancient Indian method of healing is sure to give you some relief. As it is completely free-of-cost, you’ll have nothing to lose.

Diabetes is a medical condition that is usually associated with the third chakra, known as the Manipura Chakra. The third chakra is associated with Personal Power. It is linked with the colour yellow, and is also known as the yellow chakra. This chakra is also associated with the sound ‘Ram’, the Ayurvedic element ‘Fire’, and the sense of ‘sight’.

Psychological Problems That May Cause Diabetes

Problems of the third chakra generally occur when a person has certain underlying issues that disturb the functioning of this chakra. These issues include:

  • Problems regarding caring for others (whether family or friends). 
  • Inability to fulfil responsibilities. 
  • Lack of ability to trust people. 
  • Fear of someone/something, including intimidation or bullying by someone. 
  • Guilt about having said or done something. 
  • Problems in career, including job stress. 
  • Feelings of victimisation. 
  • Concerns about personal honour, self-respect, self-esteem, confidence and sensitivity to criticism.
If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it is possible that you may be facing a combination of the above issues. A simple way to get relief from diabetes is to understand how the underlying problems are affecting your health, work to solve these problems, and practice chakra meditation to harmonise the third chakra.

How To Do Chakra Healing For Diabetes
  1. Sit or lie down in a relaxed and comfortable position. Preferably sit cross legged, with your palms in your lap, one palm placed over the other.
  2. Close your eyes, and keep your body relaxed. 
  3. Slowly breathe in and out. Concentrate on the breath of air, as it goes through your nostrils, down to your lungs, and comes out. 
  4. Turn your attention to the solar plexus. This is the location of the third chakra, which is also known as the yellow chakra.
  5. Mentally envision the yellow chakra, and check if it is damaged or diseased. 

  6. If it is anything less than a brilliant yellow vortex, imagine your hands working on the chakra to clean it. Imagine your hands brushing away any dirt, dust or holes, and throwing it away into a nearby bucket.
  7. When the yellow chakra is fully clean, imagine your room glowing yellow with this energy. Allow this energy to fill your chakra, until the yellowness of your chakra extends several feet out of your body. 
  8. Chant the sound ‘Ram’ when you breathe out. Feel the sound vibrate to your solar plexus, as your diabetes heals. 
  9. As fire is the element associated with the yellow chakra, imagine yellow fire, glowing and leaping. 
  10. As sight is the sense associated with the yellow chakra, use your sense of ‘sight’ more. Go outside and observe things carefully, in the minutest detail. 
  11. Surround yourself with yellow objects and fabrics, and gaze at them. Wear yellow clothes, if possible.
At first, you should do this meditation exercise for about 10 minutes, four times a day. As your diabetes condition begins to improve, you can choose to do the meditation less frequently. Many people have received relief through this ancient system of chakra healing, so please give it a try. It is completely free of cost, and has absolutely no side-effects.

Have you tried chakra healing to heal your diabetes condition? What was the result?


  1. It is directly related with the confidence of an individual and can help in controlling the lives of an individual too. Blockage in this chakra is extremely common and so one should try to foster positive thoughts and channel the right energy form.

    ilchi lee chakra healing

  2. Thank you. This message was insightful as I am an insulin dependent diabetic. While I still have a amazingly good quality of life, I am beginning to feel the effects of it as my nerves are now damaged and if I get a sore it is very hard to heal. I love this method of healing and find it very relaxing as I also work with children with academic and behavioral difficulties. I am also in a toxic marriage and trying to release myself with little harm to both of us. Thank you.


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